We Don't Know What We're Doing

We Don’t Know What We’re Doing

Art went on vacation and the wheels came off the bus… the train left the track… technical chaos.. Marc gets booted off the podcast…

We get into a great film, Repo Man, to start with.

We somehow make it to the Double Shot Shaver and Juicy Fruit gum.

Oh yeah – we have a call out to Rick Rubin.

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Razor on my Face

Razor on my Face

This episode? This episode… number seventy? This episode is about play!

We jump the gun a bit with halloween talk… and – we are talking about play.

A bit of improv happens – you be the judge!

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Snakes. Why'd It Have to be Snakes?, episode 69

Snakes. Why’d It Have to be Snakes?

Is it a surprise that episode 69 is just over an hour of sex talk? 2 guys hanging out?

…no surprise at all.

And things do get heavy, edgy, hot seat… and loving.

“The light is in you. Darkness can cover it, but it cannot put it out.”

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That's the Only Way to Eat a Donut

That’s the Only Way to Eat a Donut

Rammstein, movies, donuts, Van Halen/DLR… it’s all here this week… We’re all about the donut. Fried to perfection, delicious, and dangerous… in a good way.

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I Come To Wound the Autumnal City

Art gave us the task of speaking about the season fall – and we did.

I guess it was more shadow talk… Halloween, Archangel Michael, some poetry… shared trauma…

And a good bit about the great fictional novel by Samuel R. Delany, Dhalgren – and Rammstein!!

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Moped Outlaws

The Decaying Carcass of an Old Salt

Ar’!! It be talk like a pirate day today, and one of us did their homework and be talkin’ like a true rogue of the seven seas – a buccaneer with an even keel and true sail.

We be discussin’ the code of a few worthy captains that led many a men to fortune and tale.

Black Caesar himself is called forth in tale and was known to be a “huge size, immense strength and keen intelligence”.

And so it goes… Hoist the Colors and be brave, for we be of fortune and fame today!

(um… how did we get on the topic of rough sex?)

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Cuddle & Cry

This episode starts with one of the co-hosts has trouble getting in to our studio… and the other co-host falls short of encouragement.

And we turn our malice on our producer; Art.

There’s 9/11 talk, Yellow Submarine, good nutrition, the Universe, female orgasm… and on and on.

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I Don’t Like Mondays

This episode is about mass shootings – the darker side of humanity.

What is the source of human violence? What causes the silicon chip inside her head to switch to overload?

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