Winter Is Coming - episode #164 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Winter Is Coming

The view is really bad from under the bus.
~ Chris A. Underwood

We hang today with author, father, sailor, programmer, and all-round friendly gentleman from Ohio—Chris Underwood. Read more

Indigenous Education #163

Indigenous Education

Our guest today, Ben Oofana, is practitioner of indigenous practices he learned while apprenticed with a traditional Kiowa Medicine Man. After an initial “hello” that has much more depth then normal, we get into Ben’s experiences living in Sri Lanka during their recent civil war. It might seem like a big leap, however, Ben has a way of tying it all together…

Ultimately, this conversation is about the connectivity and oneness of Life.

We touch upon improvisational jazz, childhood trauma, healing powers, martial arts… there’s a lot going on here. I recommend taking some quiet time to soak it all in.

Listeners who would like to learn more and gain free access to Ben’s articles and videos can visit his website at

We also invite you to download a free copy of his eBook “The Essentials of Getting Over Your Breakup and Moving On”

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Our guest today is Dr. Marlene Carson, founder and Executive Director of B.L.A.S.T., Black Leaders Against Sex Trafficking. Dr. Carson has decades of personal experience healing the dark, and sometime bitter, harms created in the sex trafficking industry. There is a lot of wisdom here to digest. And if you listen to the end, you get some great music recommendations - a doctor's prescription of melody, if you will! So listen all the way through. "What if you could do what you love, to fight what you hate." ~ Dr. Marlene Carson #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Long Journey Home #162

It is in your community…

Our guest today is Dr. Marlene Carson, founder and Executive Director of B.L.A.S.T., Black Leaders Against Sex Trafficking. Dr. Carson has decades of personal experience healing the dark, and sometime bitter, harms created in the sex trafficking industry.

This is a heavy episode, and I believe a healing one. Read more

Dreams 'n' Things (live stream) - episode #161

Dreams ‘n’ Things (live stream) #161

We did a live stream, since our scheduled guest canceled at the last minute. We berate the guest a bit – and acknowledge there has been extremely solid reasoning for the cancelations.

So, after some beratement, we talk about… global “Blue Screens of Death”, politics… and quantum realities; we are the creator of our dreams.

AND… !! We DID end up with a special guest!! Candace Paine joins us for a few minutes… In typical fashion, as it is when Marc and Greg are left to their own devices, they are all over the place – ’cause that’s life; yes?

This is a fun episode.

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Wish This Was Funny

Wish This Was Funny #160

Due to an act of violence in our scheduled guests life, we all thought it best to reschedule.

Marc and I believe a very deep and educational conversation is going to occur when our scheduled guest, Dr. Marlene Carson of Black Leaders Against Sex Trafficking, is able to join us for a recording.

In the meantime, Marc and I wanted to hold this topic for this episode—and keep it brief.

Connect with BLAST at: And we hope you can join us when we welcome Dr. Carson for a ride with Moped Outlaws.

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Marc and Greg: A Conversation Episode 159

Moped Outlaws Episode 159
Marc and Greg sit down just the two of us and talk about fun stuff including playing a few music tracks. Highlights include funny introductions, stories about friends, and a general lack of seriousness about anything.

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

This is a powerful hour plus with our very special guest, Tony Schmaltz. He willingly answers deep questions like, "What is your opinion of Lazy Boy furniture?".

I Am Batman (By Choice) #158

This is a powerful hour plus with our very special guest, Tony Schmaltz.

He willingly answers deep questions like, “What is your opinion of Lazy Boy furniture?”. Read more

Don't Worry, Be Happy #157

Don’t Worry, Be Happy #157

Just the two of us — I and I.