17 Days in a Cathedral: TransPac 2023

17 Days in a Cathedral: TransPac 2023

Our guest today is Greg’s brother, Aaron, who was part of a crew racing the TransPac 2023 Yacht Race.

It’s a an exciting race, challenging, and we all settled in for the tales of the sea from a now seasoned sailor.

Congratulations to all the crew of Imagine Too.
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Becoming the Source For What You Are Seeking #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Becoming the Source For What You Are Seeking

Our guest today is Joshua Acevedo. A former marine, he is a physical fitness coach that incorporates other elements he has learned in his personal process of healing that supports individuals in living the life they want to live and being the person they want to be… becoming the source for what they are seeking.

We dive right into things with the atrocity of child abduction and enslavement—and Latin Pride.

This gentleman has engaged in a lot of self-healing… and he wants to share the lessons and habits that have supported his quest to be a fulfilled human-being.

We are grateful for the time we spent in communion with Joshua… I think you will be, too.

In his own words:
I am successful now! Because I validate myself on me, my beliefs and my daily habits. I don’t miss on life anymore. I am on a higher path: A higher purpose.

If you want to contact Joshua, you can book a call with him via his calendly link: https://calendly.com/joshuaj-qng/selfmastery
or check out his IG account for other means of contact: https://www.instagram.com/acevedoplusyou/

(sorry for the out-of-sync video)

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A Passion For Story and the Power of Now #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Passion For Story and the Power of Now

We welcome Prankster Entertainment founder, Tony Vidal, for episode one-hundred and eleven.

Tony has been telling stories for most of his life—and there are three feature films out in the world that he created (with many a hand helping, as you will hear). Read more

A Priest, A Yogi, and a Rabbit #mopedoutlaws #enjoy #110

A Priest, A Yogi, and a Rabbit

Episode 110 finds Marc and I without a guest… A lot of music talk in this one; Read more

Backend 'Em Forever #109 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Backend ‘Em Forever

This episode’s guest is “King of Kaching”; Tom Antion. This is a very informative hang with a gentleman that has created a few millions, primarily from online marketing and sales.

Read more

But My Babies I Must Feed #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

But My Babies I Must Feed

Our first episode of the summer of ’23 is with teacher, educator, social activist, poet, and author – Dr. Deborah J. Burris-Kitchen. This is a powerful episode on “isms”. Read more

Grow My Own Hair; Do My Own Thing #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Grow My Own Hair; Do My Own Thing

We had the honor to spend some time with the world’s most charismatic gentleman… and we discuss a lot about the entertainment industry.

Especially AI’s integration with talent/casting.

The Prince of Fresh Air, Percy Taquan Brown, is a lively and intelligent voice. be sure to check out his short film, Third Week… and you can find more about him on his website: https://percybrown1.wixsite.com/percybrown/home

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Waiting Here in the Truth Until You Catch Up #106 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Waiting Here in the Truth Until You Catch Up

Just the two of us… and, as usual, we’re all over the place in a very charming manner.

I know; debatable – like the title says…

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