We had a medical emergency - back next week with regular episode. #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Things Happen #179

We had a medical emergency – back next week with regular episode.

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Outlook From the Field #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Outlook From the Field #178

We begin season 5 out in the field… recorded right before NYE. And Marc and Greg’s personal thoughts as well…

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Visual Representation of Change - episode #177

A Visual Representation of Change #177

Andy Paige shares with us that she’s a high school dropout. Yeah, we’d be in a better place if all of us were such dropouts. Andy hasn’t dropped out of life – just the opposite! She’s very engaged with Life! Read more

Marc and Greg Special Update 1

A quick visit with the men who make the magic

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Nursing Intuition #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Nursing Intuition #176

Most important of all, Jennifer Johnson answers the age old debate about hospital food — why does it exist? And that’s not all! We talk about intuition’s importance to health and healing, free medical care’s merits and challenges, her personal experience with the recent pandemic (recent? we’re almost at five years!), and most important of all — right before our United States presidential election — a neighbor’s view of our political landscape. Read more

Forgiveness is the Theme Here #175 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Forgiveness is the Theme Here #175

At the age of 53, John Graham found his calling and has helped over 2,500 men and women restart their lives after prison. He and his wife, Kathy, founded the non-profit Good Samaritan Home, a safe place for a person to get back on their feet. He’s 76 and in his words, just now hitting his stride. Read more

What Does Woke Mean? - episode #174

What Does Woke Mean? #174

Easy answer from our guest, Richard Pellegrino, to our episode’s title: “Being awakened and enlightened to the fact of oneness, that we are essentially one.” And this is just in the first five minutes of riding with Marc and me. Read more

A Cheerleader of Hope - episode #173 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Cheerleader of Hope #173

Barby Ingle is an author, media personality, public servant, wife, motivational speaker, patient advocate… are you getting the picture here of Barby’s character? There’s another aspect I believe is important to note about Barby in this opening paragraph. Barby lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases. 24/7. Read more