suffering is optional

Suffering is Optional

Episode 61 is about our Moms… more directly, the passing of our Mothers.

That’s what this is about.

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Elvis Had Little Nuts, episode 60

Elvis Had Little Nuts

A quick shoutout to the auspicious nature of episode sixty coinciding with Greg’s sixtieth birthday.

And then…?? We dive into the debate about misappropriation of music. Is it possible? Is creativity to be owned and horded? (Ok, that was a biased question for sure – that last one…)

But really, isn’t sharing, borrowing, incorporating other creativities the very nature of creativity? (Still biased).

And – was Elvis a bigot?

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Giddy Joy

Fills Me With Giddy Joy

A main starter this episode: our adventure to see Dave Chappelle live in Santa Rosa!!

…Happy Birthday, Jerry.

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Get on the Back of the Bike and Feel the Wind

Get on the Back of the Bike and Feel the Wind

We discuss what we are learning from the Heal Thyself course, and the documentary, “Who We Are…”.

AND – we have a special guest!!! Marc’s sister, Doren Damico, joins us and brought wonderful energy to this episode with her honesty and transparency.

A lot of this episode was exploring the pain of being black in the United States – and the pain of personal experience…

Doren assures us that no matter the depths, healing is possible – and real. Heal on!

AND – there is some exploration of AI and 21st century technology… deep learning, and – “does my robot have a soul?”

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Pie Points

Pie Points

A soft start… we kind drift around a bit…

There’s some talk about pie points.

And most of the episode is an ode to Lumination, soloing, and Marc’s personal connection with Peter Frampton’s miracle.

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New Possibilities For Humanity

New Possibilities For Humanity

This episode is answering the question: What is Love?

We start with sex – of course. Then quickly on to monetary efforts on our part as we hawk our wares.

Marc’s experience with a young lad at summer camp… and the grandmother.

And then into written history…

We seemed to, um… have skirted the issue for a quarter of this episode.

We brought music and movies into the discourse, of course.

So… what is love?

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Everybody welcome

Everybody Welcome

In our great nation, where it is recognized that everybody is born with inalienable rights and all are welcome,  we celebrate freedom. Free your mind, the rest will follow…

Happy Fourth of July, America.

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Word Games and Adderall

Word Games and Adderall

We had a special guest; Ronald. I’m not sure what happened this episode, other than there were three men, who self-identify as men, who really wanted to problem solve and had a little red ball full of fifteen-thousand words to help us.

(if an illusion falls in the forest and there is no one to think about it – does it make sense?)

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