Winter Is Coming - episode #164 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Winter Is Coming

The view is really bad from under the bus.
~ Chris A. Underwood

We hang today with author, father, sailor, programmer, and all-round friendly gentleman from Ohio—Chris Underwood.

Chris recently published the last book of his The Cold Winter trilogy, the first one published in 2017. Interestingly, the first story takes place with a newly elected woman president taking office and the Niagara Falls grid goes down, darkening the Northeast corner of the US. Though hope is promised, a dystopian society begins evolving as days and months go by without power being restored.

And the author of this dystopian tale is actually quite a hopeful being to hang with. We cover a lot of ground on this ride in a very short time.

So hang on tight… and enjoy the ride.

Chris can be contacted, and his books purchased, through his website:

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy