Riding the Goat Train #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Riding the Goat Train

Our guests this week are a pure blast! Co-authors Kyle Wiltshire and Jay Watson bring the noise, all wrapped up in fun, humanity, frat-house wrestling, and goat train dancing… yep — this is an entertaining episode!

The first in the Dead Rock Stars trilogy is published and available for consumption. (I hear it goes well with Adrenochrome Cola)

It is a pleasure to hang with these gentlemen that are living their personal dream; with amazing Grace.

the DEAD ROCK STARS can be caught at: https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Rock-Stars-Novel/dp/163698164X

…and their official site is: https://www.deadrockstarsbook.com/

Now… You want the best, you got the best… ! hey ho ~ let’s go!!

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy