Nursing Intuition #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Nursing Intuition #176

Most important of all, Jennifer Johnson answers the age old debate about hospital food — why does it exist? And that’s not all! We talk about intuition’s importance to health and healing, free medical care’s merits and challenges, her personal experience with the recent pandemic (recent? we’re almost at five years!), and most important of all — right before our United States presidential election — a neighbor’s view of our political landscape.

There is a very intelligent and conscious discussion about our social norms with death, from a personal and macro viewpoint.

There is also one of the most healing elements involved in this conversation: humor.

So, hope on your wheels, rev up… and get ready to ride. And; bring your ER nurses your leftovers! 🙂

Jenn has asked us to link to her upcoming book — and you can preorder now!

… and you can always connect with her at her website: (especially you medical angels experiencing burn-out)

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy