A Lot of Reflecting With Chancellor K Jackson #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Lot of Reflecting With Chancellor K Jackson

1.4 grams of cannabis landed Chancellor in Beijing cell #6 – and began his journey of self-knowledge from reflection. A Chinese slumber party of grown men, a plastic bowl and spoon – and no sign of light. But he did have a faith he was gonna land this situation alright.

This was a wonderful hour spent in the energy and company of Mr. Jackson – a very uplifting conversation with a gentleman engaged in lifting up people.

I believe it is a wonderful happenstance that this is live on a day dedicated to the honor of MLK… and, admittedly, it isn’t easy for me to hear that I need to stand aside while people of color engage in creating and building their own well-being and society. And I hear that is called for – so, I’ll take to heart Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics… “Sit down. Be humble.”

For more about Chancellor Jackson, connecting with him, getting his books – go to: https://linktree.com/korleh

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy