Our guest today is Dr. Marlene Carson, founder and Executive Director of B.L.A.S.T., Black Leaders Against Sex Trafficking. Dr. Carson has decades of personal experience healing the dark, and sometime bitter, harms created in the sex trafficking industry. There is a lot of wisdom here to digest. And if you listen to the end, you get some great music recommendations - a doctor's prescription of melody, if you will! So listen all the way through. "What if you could do what you love, to fight what you hate." ~ Dr. Marlene Carson #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Long Journey Home #162

It is in your community…

Our guest today is Dr. Marlene Carson, founder and Executive Director of B.L.A.S.T., Black Leaders Against Sex Trafficking. Dr. Carson has decades of personal experience healing the dark, and sometime bitter, harms created in the sex trafficking industry.

This is a heavy episode, and I believe a healing one.

Marlene’s faith in Christianity has been the cornerstone of her life of healing and advocacy. This is an episode calling for accountability, especially wealthy men that are the prominent drivers of the economics that support this heinous industry. And we get into the institutions that benefit from human trafficking – and this is a hard piece to digest. This whole episode takes me some effort to stay with… and I couldn’t ask for a more gracious, supportive, loving guide then Dr. Marlene Carson.

There is a lot of wisdom here to digest. And if you listen to the end, you get some great music recommendations – a doctor’s prescription of melody, if you will! So listen all the way through.

“What if you could do what you love, to fight what you hate.”
~ Dr. Marlene Carson

You can learn more from BLAST at: https://blastmovement.org/

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#mopedoutlaws #enjoy