A Cheerleader of Hope - episode #173 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

A Cheerleader of Hope #173

Barby Ingle is an author, media personality, public servant, wife, motivational speaker, patient advocate… are you getting the picture here of Barby’s character? There’s another aspect I believe is important to note about Barby in this opening paragraph. Barby lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases. 24/7.

There are some simple generalizations about Barby, Marc, and Greg—she’s Republican, Marc and Greg are Democratic. Again, a broad-stroke statement. However, we came to the table and broke bread. And no one left the table, even when things got hot. Things got hot, our demeanor remained humane.

Barby is a wonderful guest. We spoke about living with chronic pain, U.S. border policies, serving, gratitude, health advocacy… this is a very personal and passionate conversation for all three of us. You may disagree with things Barby states—we can all learn from her passion and commitment.

You may connect with Barby Ingle via her website: https://barbyingle.com/ or her social media:

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy