Forgiveness is the Theme Here #175 #mopedoutlaws #enjoy

Forgiveness is the Theme Here #175

At the age of 53, John Graham found his calling and has helped over 2,500 men and women restart their lives after prison. He and his wife, Kathy, founded the non-profit Good Samaritan Home, a safe place for a person to get back on their feet. He’s 76 and in his words, just now hitting his stride.

John has learned that listening is the best form of respect. And being a good neighbor is the best way to interact with adversary.

Through these two simple practices, John and Kathy bring hope into ex-cons’ lives – while receiving it themselves. He authored his first novel, Running As Fast As I Can, to share the message of second chances.

There are some deep dives into incarceration practices as a form of slave labor. And other personal dives into his life and what he’s learned as a mentor.

I’d say, this is another ride with the voice of Hope. And towards the end, Marc comes in with a fine play and insight into “cell phone”.

You can connect with John Graham at:
Good Samaritan Home website is:
And his book is available at:

#mopedoutlaws #enjoy